Category: Mandates

WeInvest Capital Partners, a Luxembourg-based real estate investor, has chosen European Fund Administration as administrator and and transfer agent for its Premium Real Estate Fund SICAV-RAIF S.C.A. Philippe Barthelemy, managing partner in charge of investment at WeInvest Capital Partners, said: “We are extremely pleased with the attention demonstrated by EFA teams involved when structuring and…

Two new mandates for U.S. Bank in Ireland: Catalyst Capital Advisors, LLC has appointed U.S. Bank to provide fund administration and UCITS depositary services. The Carne Group will serve as the management company. New York-based Catalyst is an existing U.S. client, with USD14bn AuM. Iguana Investments has appointed U.S. Bank to provide fund administration and…

Intertrust, the Netherlands-based provider of corporate and fund solutions, has assisted Bansk Group with the launch and ongoing servicing of its new private fund structure. The fund has been established as a Guernsey private investment fund. The sole purpose of the fund is to act as a private investment vehicle for the assets of a…

Swiss Life Asset Managers Luxembourg has mandated Société Générale Securities Services to take over its local representative agent (LRA) and local transfer agent (LTA) activities in France. This new mandate strengthens the partnership between the Swiss Life Group and SGSS. The LRA/LTA activity for Luxembourg funds distributed in France was previously carried out by Swiss…

18FEB20: Northern Trust has been appointed by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund to provide its Integrated Trading Solutions package, including outsourced trading and middle office functionality, for a domestic equity portfolio managed internally by IMRF, the state’s second-largest public retirement plan. Northern Trust and IMRF have a more than 30-year relationship. Northern Trust provides global…