Category: HSBC

HSBC has become the latest universal bank to merge its markets and securities services businesses. After a period of due diligence, HSS will be combined with global markets to form a new unit, Markets and Securities Services. Allegra Berman and Richard Godfrey, co-heads of HSS, will report to Georges Elhedery, co-head of global banking and…

HSBC Securities Services has enhanced its global middle office infrastructure and services to support asset manager middle office mandates, especially in Asia where it reports significant growth. The improvements cover trade management and settlement control services, as well as introducing a significantly enhanced investment book of record (IBOR) reporting capability. This is driven by a…

HSBC in China has facilitated the first interest rate swap trade by an overseas institutional investor through the central counterparty clearing model in the China interbank market. This new channel allows HSBC’s international clients to tap into the world’s second largest bond market while also adding to their risk mitigation capabilities. HSBC acted as the…

HSBC Securities Services will partner with AcadiaSoft to deliver a full end-to-end independent Initial Margin Service for its clients who are preparing for Phase 5 and Phase 6 regulatory initial margin. This functionality will enable HSS to calculate initial margin in compliance with the ISDA standard initial margin model (SIMM) independent of the clients’ counterparty.…