Year: 2021

Deutsche Börse Group has acquired a majority stake in Crypto Finance AG, a Switzerland-based financial group that offers trading, storage, and investment in digital assets to institutional and professional clients. Through the acquisition, Deutsche Börse will extend its offering for digital assets by providing a direct entry point for investments, including post-trade services such as…

SS&C has initiated an organisational shake-up which sees Mike Sleightholme, general manager of DST’s financial services businesses, leaving the firm. SS&C Global Investor and Distribution Solutions (GIDS) will focus on the evolution and elevation of global transfer agency and investor services. Nick Wright, general manager, will focus on strategy, innovation and product development, and will…

CIBC Mellon has been selected by Brock University to provide custody, institutional accounting and pension benefit payment services to the Brock University Pension Plan, as well as access to data and investment information. Brock University sponsors a hybrid pension plan, which contains both defined contribution and defined benefit components. Josh Tonnos, Brock University’s chief financial…